Dear users of our platform! Please accept our sincere congratulations with the New Year 2020! drop2amz team wishes you and your families in this new year and in the new decade prosperity, success, good health, best of luck selling on Amazon, profitable orders, only 5-star feedbacks, high Buy Box % and let Seller Performance Team do not bother your stores!

Thank You for Your Trust!
We much value your input improving the platform – all your ideas and suggestions are heard and thought through, and many of those were added throughout the year. Besides, we also have a lot of ideas and plans that we try to deliver soonest possible while maintaining its flexibility and simplicity at the same time.
Also we are very pleased for your recommendations – for the previous year through our Referral Program you all earned dozens of thousands dollars. Want to join? It’s super-easy!
We sincerely hope for our further mutually beneficial cooperation in the New Year! Best of luck!